Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot , "Power Watersheds: A New Image Segmentation Framework Extending Graph Cuts, Random Walker and Optimal Spanning Forest", ICCV'09, 2009


Description: This software provides implementation of three algorithms for 2D and 3D image segmentation. The algorithms implemented are Prim, and Kruskal's algorithms for Maximum Spanning Forest computation, and the PowerWatershed algorithm (q=2) described in the above article.


Keywords: image segmentation, combinatorial optimization, mathematical morphology


Project page is http://sourceforge.net/projects/powerwatershed/





  Input seeds  




kruskal mask      Prim mask      PW mask


(a) Kruskal's MaxSF algorithm                               (b) Prim's MaxSF algorithm                             (c) Power Watershed with q=2             




Kruskal overlay      Prim overlay      PW overlay


(a) Kruskal's MaxSF algorithm                               (b) Prim's MaxSF algorithm                             (c) Power Watershed with q=2